As it scheduled, OLIVE JAPAN 2022 very pleased to announce all results of the competition.
All the contestants should receive email communication to cover all the results including Award Medal, Mario Solinas Scores, Judges’ Comments and Taste index table. And winners should receive separate email to cover the Award Certificates and Medal Logo Download Guidance and Memorial Trophy Order guidance.
The Winners List is also available here by EXCEL Format below;
OJ2022 10-PREMIER-Winners-BEST-of-SHOW-ENG-0526
OJ2022 19-SPECIAL-AWARD-Winners-List-ENG 0526
OJ2022 299-GOLD-Winners-E 0526
OJ2022 271-SILVER-Winners-E 0526
There still be some delayed late arrival samples, so we will make next updates of the winners list early in June to finalize all awards in 2022 campaign.
Will delete all medals for those had not paid the registration fee by June 3rd.